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2017-11-19 17:29:36 编辑:无 浏览:(2194次)


当我们面临选择的时候,恰当地运用对比能够帮助我们更好地作答;所以这一技巧很适合用在task 1中的三选一题型、所有的task 2题型以及task 5的“个人建议”部分。这儿运用对比有两个作用:一是让观点表达更有组织、有逻辑,二是展示运用复杂句式的能力。


1. 表达“比较”或“不同”意味的一些单词和词组,如:

Compared to Y, X is…

In contrast to Y, X is…

X is unlike Y because…

X differs from Y because…

X is … However, Y is…

X is …, but Y …

While/ Although/ Even though X is …, Y is …

Despite the fact that X is…, Y is …

On the other hand, …

2. 比较级,如:

X is adj. + ~er (better, worse, safer) than Y because…

X is more adj. (difficult, modern, interesting) than Y in that…



Which kind of exercise is better, running or swimming? Give reasons and details in your response.


我们可以想到如下对比:1. 从方便的角度看,跑步胜出,可以对比场地、服装等的要求;2. 从花费的角度,跑步胜出,可以对比票价、设备费用等;3. 从安全的角度看,游泳胜出,可以对比身体的承受情况等;4. 从运动效果来看,游泳胜出,可以对比消耗的热量、锻炼到的肌肉群等。(其实使用不同的细节有时候可以得出不同的结论,只要逻辑正确即可。)运用好之前提到的句式,我们便可以做出有层次有逻辑的答复,如:

In my opinion, swimming is the best form of exercise. Compared to running, I think swimming is better because it isn’t so hard on your body. For example, unlike running, swimming doesn’t put as much stress on your legs and knees. It seems like everyone I know that runs has had some kind of injury to their knees or their ankles in contrast to my friends who swim and don’t have any injuries. In addition, swimming builds muscles in both the upper and lower body. On the other hand, running mostly builds muscles in the lower body. Although both swimming and running make the heart stronger and build muscles, I think swimming is better exercise for the whole body.